Extras for A Tale of Fortuna

The main posting, containing the story and several pictures for Fortuna can be found here:

A Tale of Fortuna

There are two pics and comments about the story development under the cut:

A Tale of Fortuna was my first collaboration with Helvetica. She approached me wondering if I would be interested in writing a story based on her artwork and a concept based on the Ray Bradbury short story The Dragon, which we could offer for Moonridge, a charity auction in Sentinel fandom.

As it happens, I am well familiar with Ray Bradbury’s stories, and Helvetica sent me this picture as a ‘taster’ of her talents.

Helvetica monk1

It was titled ‘The Monk’ and that title was the inspiration to make Blair a priest in his knightly order. In short, I was very enthused, and put together a rough summary of my story idea, and there we were.

Blair’s Sesame Street t-shirt was a tip of the hat to the fact that Garett Maggart’s father, Brandon, worked on the first season of the show.

The carpa trees are based on Macrocarpa, a type of tree native to California but common in New Zealand as a rural tree used for stock shelter and hedges. My version of Tolkien’s tomatoes and tobacco….


The faux magazine page that ends the main Fortuna entry was put together for me by ElmyraEmilie, a good friend whom I met through Sentinel fandom.

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